1、If not for you, I must be shivering in the despair and fear, groaning painfully. But for you, every day I will dream the most beautiful apart. Becoz u use your whole life to love me, and I feel free. My life seems to leave me like the sand flowing. I can hear that, but I can still smile only as long as I see you sleeping by my side.
6、我突然就觉得自己 像个华丽的木偶,演尽了所有的悲欢离合,可是背上总是有无数闪亮的银色丝线,操纵 我的哪怕一举手一投足。
7、The heart of woman is a glass holding water. It is full but seems to have nothing inside.
8、It's not because of stability that someone wants to marry, but because of lack of stability.
9、One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love.
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